Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Britain & Euro reivised

This paper looks at the definition euro, its origin, implications and reasons why it Britain should join it or not. There are benefits of Britain will gain by joining the euro rather greater than staying away. These include improved living standards, access to larger market, stabilization of prices, minimization of exchange risks and business risks, reduction of effect of investment loss and influence in the European Union. On the hand joining the euro may bring about difficulty in integrating to single currency, low flexibility in labor and migration movement as well as financial burden to be incurred when joining the euro.Thus it is better to join than to avoid. THE EURO AND BRITAIN The euro is the official name of the single currency which became operational from January 1, 1999. Then it became the official currency for thirteen countries in Europe referred as Euro zone or Euro Area. The name â€Å"euro† was adopted in December 1995 at the European Union Council of Minister s meeting in Madrid. The symbol for the euro was derived from the Greek letter epsilon. First letter E refers to Europe while Greece represents the origin of European civilization. The horizontal parallel lines in the euro symbol stands for stability.Banks started depositing cash in Euro currencies that is the euro time deposits of cash held outside the country of its origin in a banking system (Banking glossary 2006; European economic & monetary union, 2008 The introduction of the euro is of great significance to Europe because since the collapse of the Roman Empire there has been no common currency in Europe, trade with different currencies was difficult and travelers had additional fees when exchanging the currencies. There was a risk to the investors because there was unexpected profit that can turn into loss if the exchange rate fluctuated.Hence, the need for a common currency which will facilitate trade in Europe (Mitropolitski, 2003) Common currency makes EU foreign investors reduce risks for their investments. The market enlarges and the regional price imbalances are rectified. Consumers will have common currency to measure the different goods and services and the people from the Euro area feel closer and build a common identity. They have demonstrated that people can come together without foreign influence. The Euro is then counterweight to the US dollar in foreign exchange (Mitropolitski, 2003)The history of producing European currency as a financial pillar of EU is quite recent. In the Treaty of Rome (1957) that was the foundation of EU did not mention common currency. But subsequent Acts of 1986 and 1992 became the foundation of a single currency. From January 1, 1999 the Euro was introduced (Mitropolitski, 2003) The implication of changing to Euro is diverse as the benefits of joining it. By having a single currency, the European Economic Monetary Union (EMU) members aim at promoting a single European market, similar in the size to that of US mark et.By combing these countries like Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain under one European market the economy is capable of growing at a faster rate. This means increased job opportunities and a higher standard of living. Bowman 1999 The nationals in the countries had to shift their loyalties to the euro. Since people are usually emotionally attached to their money and feelings of nationalism being involved this would differ from country to country in varying degrees (Bowman, 1999)The businesses will have noticeable changes to the way they will conduct their business such that there should be transparent prices. Consumers will have easy choice to compare prices in different countries and businesses which used to exploit the difference in currency values through price discrimination will have to contend pricing in euros. Businesses will have to restructure their pricing policies for a much wider markets (Bowman 1 999). The euro will accelerate business efficiency; company costs will be reduced, consumers will enjoy low and stable price. Individual countries made specific adjustment in order to benefit e. g.adjusting their expenditure and taxes. Germany had to take economic measures by limiting their fiscal stimulatory policy when economic growth was slow while unemployment rate increased. These measures were taken in order to harmonize their economies and make it less risky to function under one currency (Bowman 1999). There were complex logistical problems which Europeans had to overcome in adjusting to the euro such as the financial institutions had to change their systems and train staff. Prices had to be adjusted in euros when national currencies were still circulating for three more years after introduction of virtual currencies.Parking meters, vending and cash machines had to be converted for the introduction of euro notes and coins (Bowman 1999). Other service sectors had changed thei r system operations e. g. Mail services printed new stamps and revenue collection and payment done new tax forms as well as in advertisement campaigns. However, it took more time before consumers and businesses had completely adjusted following their countries giving out authority on the exchange rate and monetary policies under one currency (Bowman 1999) For US companies doing business in Europe, the shift to euros brought many changes i.e. Business operation became easier and cost-effective, especially those with branches in Europe. They now have a larger market, consumers and customers billed in dollars were least affected by the change but as the euro's role grows internationally, pressure may be put on US companies to start pricing in euros. Then they would have to start absorbing the exchange rate costs and risks that their customers had experienced. Although doing business in Europe by American companies’ became easier competition increased as well (Bowman 1999). There are arguments for and against Britain joining the euro.We will first look at the reasons why the British should join. This is because in 1956 Britain failed to join the European Common Market and its economy failed to grow compared to other countries like France and Germany. When it later joined in 1973 the economy grew but did not close the gap between the Britain and those which entered earlier. The benefit of Britain joining the European market through the euro will be largely affected by the access in which it will enjoy of having large market and large economies of scale. In this case trade barriers are eliminated.The products of British companies will be able to reach a wide selection of clientele and operate in large scale. This will contribute to producing goods more efficiently as seen in United States. The companies will restructure and merge in order to benefit from single market and single currency. The large market will also make it easier for medium sized companies to get cheaper intermediate goods and raw materials from a wide range of suppliers (Layard et al. , 2002). Although Britain joined the free trade market it really did not make a single market because of different currencies used by those countries.Hence, prices of goods varied considerably between and within countries. For example, United Sates and Canada have a common language and culture but they have different currencies. Prices of goods vary significantly in US and Canada than between provinces in Canada. This makes the markets of these two countries significantly different mainly due to currencies (Layard et al. , 2002). When Britain joins the single currency market its nationals and companies will enjoy wide variety of goods and services at cheaper value. The living standards of consumers will improve.For an economy to grow of such nature like that of Britain there is need of single currency. This is because Britain has high tradable sector to European market. The single currenc y will have great effect on its economy. For example, before the introduction of euro in 1999, in the previous year, Britain had high percentage trading between countries of Euro Area. However, after the other counties joined the trade exchange of Britain decreased by -1% between 1998 and 2001 while those of countries in the Euro Area increased by 20%.See the table below (Layard et al. , 2002). Single currency is quite significant in trade and productivity because it leads to absence in currency fluctuation. Companies are able to restructure their systems so that they can achieve maximum efficiency and improve their productivity. Also single currency will ensure there is price transparency. Companies will have to change the price of their goods across all countries which may be relatively stable. Otherwise customers of business and consumers will cross the border for buying and shopping their merchandise.This will result in public outcry and a response will be inevitable. Thus, it w ill stimulate productivity of companies (Layard et al. , 2002). In joining the euro, capital market integration will occur and barriers between capital markets will breakdown. This is different from where previously companies within individual countries will hold their assets and liquidity in the same currency. But with the introduction of euro companies can invest across EU countries which will definitely stimulate productivity (Layard et al., 2002). The floating pound poses a disadvantage to British companies since the pound will fluctuate against the euro. This will make businesses lose profit and may later degenerate into bankruptcy. Their profitability will fluctuate with fluctuation of exchange rate thereby increasing business risk for exporters and importers. The companies cannot insure their companies against such risks in case they would want to invest in other EU countries where there is uncertainty in quantities and prices of goods to be sold.Therefore British companies w ill have to sell its goods in euro rather than in pounds (Layard et al. , 2002). The uncertainty in exchange rate deters the formation of unified market and investment. This is because of arbitrary fluctuation of exchange rates over a period of time against the allowable adjustment margin. This brings about economic shock where the independent exchange rate cannot offset. The dysfunctional movement of exchange rate will impact negatively on the economy because of large tradable sector compared to a large economy (Layard et al., 2002). The disadvantage of floating exchange rate may escalate making it unattractive of which it will continue to do so as a result of capital markets being integrated and more liquid. Optimal currency size is a reflection of balance between the benefit of independent interest rates and exchange rates in economic adjustment. But the danger lies in the flexibility of exchange rate which may induce economic shock or the larger financial markets integrating and becoming more liquid (Layard et al. , 2002).Britain has to join the euro because it trades more with it than any other country in the world. For example it trades three times more than in USA which is the second largest trading partner. See the table below showing trading shares in percentage for year 2000 It also necessary for Britain to join because of the currency for which goods and services traded is invoiced. For instance 44% are invoiced in pounds, 32% in US dollars and 20% in euros. Therefore to minimize exchange rate risks it will be important to join the euro rather than the dollar (Layard et al. , 2002).Britain stands to lose it investment from foreign investors who not only target sales in Britain but also Euro zone. Most companies will want to avoid currency risk associated with exchange rate e. g. Toyota and Nissan companies have intended to relocate to Euro area. The risk of London as a hub of business transaction associated with its dominance in bonds, mergers and a cquisition will be experienced if they do not join because the European Central Bank located in Frankfurt in which Finance ministers from Euro countries make decision that affect the whole of EU members can do so in their favor (Layard et al., 2002). Britain also stands to lose its influence in European economic decisions if it opts to stay out of the euro. This is because they view US influence to EU through Britain will be lost. But the fact remains that they can only influence more when they are inside than out. Layard et al (2002) explains a number of reasons for not joining the euro. These are; by joining euro, Britain will not fit well since its economy is more related to US than the rest of Europe. The single currency will require enormous European budget.The labor market will respond differently than the present because it will be less flexible and migration will be lower. Britain will lose the economic importance of exporting oil to European market. The euro will link Brita in to a failing economy because it will be surpassed by other countries. The tax policy of Britain will be altered and that the British financial system is different from the rest of Europe hence making single currency policy difficult. Lastly, Europe’s pension liabilities which are unfunded will be borne by Britain is unnecessary. CONCLUSIONThe above discussion gives elaborate reasons for which Britain will have to join rather than avoid. Since the world economy is going through transformation, the European Union economy has great impact to Britain economy. So it will be of best interest for Britain to join the euro. REFERENCES Banking glossary. Definition. 2006. 16 April 2008 Banking glossary. Euro currencies. 2006. 16 April 2008 Bowman, Jennifer J. Economic Implications. Ed. 1999. Western Pennsylvania International Business Newsletter. 16 April 2008 European economic & monetary union. Euro. 2008. 16 April 2008 Layard, Richard et al. Britain should join. 1 August 2002. 1 6 April 2008 Miltropolistski, Simeon. Euro is important. 26 July 2003. IRED. 16 April 2008

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Employee Motivation Essay

Simple acts such as eating are motivated by hunger. Educatio n is motivated by desire for knowledge. Motivators can be anything from reward to coercion. From the scientific viewpoint, by most accounts, motivation is defined as an inner state of need or desire. That state of desire creates a movement or activity towards satisfying that desire. In my never-ending quest to spread the word about turning ideas into action, I view inspiration as the state of mind that primes us to come up with great ideas, and motivation as the state of mind that spurs us to action. Concept of Motivation In order to understand the concept of motivation, we have to examine three terms : motive, motivating and motivation and their relationship Motive ?A motive is an inner state that energizes, activates, or moves and directs behavior towards goals.? Motivating ?Motivating is a term which implies that one person includes another, to engage in action by ensuring that a channel to satisfy the motive becomes available and accessible to the individ ual.? 2 Motivation Dubin has defined motivation as; ?Motivation is the complex force starting and keeping a person at work in an organization. Motivation is something that moves the person to action, and continues him in the course of action already initiated? According to McFarland; ?Motivation refers to the way in which urges, drives, aspirations, strivings, or needs direct, control, or explain the behavior of human being. .. Based on Motives: Motivation is based on individual‘s motives which are internal to the individual. These motives are in the form of feelings that the individual lacks something. In order to overcome this feeling, he tries to behave in a manner which helps in overcoming this feeling. 2. Affected by Motivating: Motivation is affected by way the individual is motivated. It can also activate the latent needs in the individual, that is, the needs that are the less strong and somewhat dormant, and harness them in a manner that would be functional for the organization. 3. Goal–directed Behavior: Motivation leads to goal-directed behavior. A goal-directed behavior is one which satisfies the cau se for which behavior takes place. 4. Related to Satisfaction: satisfaction refers to the contentment experiences of an individual which he derives out of need fulfillment. Thus satisfaction is a consequence of rewards and punishments associated with past experiences. 5. Complex Process: Motivation is a complex process; complexity emerges because of the nature of needs and the type of behavior that is attempted to satisfy those needs. 6. Person Motivated in Totality: A person is motivated in totality and not in part. Each individual in the organization is a self-contained unit and his needs are interrelated. These affect his behavior in different ways. 3 Motivation Motivation is a force that drives people to do things. Employees are normally motivated to achieve their needs, whatever they may include. Motivation is inside another person’s head and heart. It may be intrinsic or extrinsic. This is what we call motivation. Employees of a company will be motivated if they associate certain incentives with an activity of work. Motivation is an important function which every manager performs by assigning the people to work for accomplishment of objectives of the organization . Issuance of well conceived instructions and orders does not mean that they will be followed . A manager has to make appropriate use of motivation to enthuse the employees to follow them. Effective motivation succeeds not only in having an order accepted but also in gaining a determination to see that it is executed efficiently and effectively. In order to motivate workers to work for the organizational goals, the managers must Determine the motives or needs of the workers and provide an environment in which Appropriate incentives are available for their satisfaction . If the management is successful in doing so; it will also be successful in increasing the willingness of the workers to work. This will increase efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. There will be better utilization of resources and workers abilities and capacities. Concept of motivation The word motivation has been derived from motive which means any idea, need or emotion that prompts a man in to action. Whatever may be the behavior of man, there is some stimulus behind it . Stimulus is dependent upon the motive of the person concerned. Motive can be known by studying his needs and desires. There is no universal theory that can explain the factors influencing motives which control mans behaviour at any particular point of ime. In general, the different motives operate at different times among different people and influence their behaviours. The process of motivation studies the motives of individuals which cause different type of behavior. 4 Need of motivation Management‘s basic job is the effective utilization of human resources for achie vements of organizational objectives. The personn el management is concerned with organizing human resources in such a way to get maximum output to the enterprise and to develop the talent of people at work to the fullest satisfaction. Motivation implies that one person, in organization context a manager, includes another, say an employee, to engage in action by ensuring that a channel to satisfy those needs and aspirations becomes available to the person. In addition to this, the strong needs in a direction that is satisfying to the latent needs in employees and Harness them in a manner that would be functional for the organization. Employee motivation is one of the major issues faced by every organization. It is the major task of every manager to motivate his subordinates or to create the ? ill to work‘ among the subordinates. It should also be remembered that a worker may be immensely capable of doing some work; nothing can be achieved if he is not willing to work. A manager has to make appropriate use of motivation to enthuse the employees to follow them. Significance of Motivation Motivation involves getting the members of the group to pull weight effectively, to give their loyalty to the group, to carry out properly the purpose of the organization. The following results may be expected if the employees are properly motivated. 1. The workforce will be better satisfied if the management provides them with Opportunities to fulfil their physiological and psychological needs. The workers will Cooperate voluntarily with the management and will contribute their maximum towards the goals of the enterprise. 2. Workers will tend to be as efficient as possible by improving upon their skills and Knowledge so that they are able to contribute to the progress of the organization. This will also result in increased productivity. 3. The rates of labor‘s turnover and absenteeism among the workers will be low. 4. There will be good human relations in the organization as friction among the workers themselves and between the workers and the management will decrease. 5. The number of complaints and grievances will come down. Accident will also be low. 5 6. There will be increase in the quantity and quality of products. Wastage and scrap will be less. Better quality of products will also increase the public image of the business. Motivation is the activation or energization of goal-oriented behavior; Intrinsic Extrinsic From a practical standpoint, we can dig into our motives in order to get better results, and move ourselves from point A to point B. For example, if you know what motivates you, you can use those motives to get yourself to do things that you wouldn’t do otherwise. These same principles can be applied to motivating others as well. Motivational techniques, therefore, are useful to teachers, leaders, parents, employers, and really, almost anyone. The key is in understanding that you are not motivating someone else. Instead, you are simply providing a circumstance that triggers that person to be motivation. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Intrinsic Motivation Intrinsic motivation comes from rewards inherent to a task or activity itself – the enjoyment of a puzzle or the love of playing. This form of motivation has been studied by social and educational psychologists since the early 1970s. Research has found that it is usually associated with high educational achievement and enjoyment by students. Intrinsic motivation has been explained by Fritz Heider’ attributional theory, Bandura’s work on self effeciency,and Ryan and Deci’s cognitive evaluation theory. Students are likely to be intrinsically motivated if they: Attribute their educational results to internal factors that they can control (e. . the amount of effort they put in), Believe they can be effective agents in reaching desired goals (i. e. the results are not determined by luck), 6 Are interested in mastering a topic, rather than just rote- learning to achieve good grades. Extrinsic motivation Extrinsic motivation comes from outside of the performer. M oney is the most obvious example, but coercion and threat of punishment are also common extrinsic motivations. While competing, the crowd may cheer on the performer, which may motivate him or her to do well. Trophies are also extrinsic incentives. Competition is in general extrinsic because it encourages the performer to win and beat others, not to enjoy the intrinsic rewards of the activity. Social psychological research has indicated that extrinsic rewards can lead to over justification and a subsequent reduction in intrinsic motivation. In one study demonstrating this effect, children who expected to be (and were) rewarded with a ribbon and a gold star for drawing pictures spent less time playing with the drawing materials in subsequent observations than children who were assigned to an unexpected reward condition and to children who received no extrinsic reward. Motivation starts with you! As you aspire to be more successful in life, your attitude towards yourself and others will play a huge role. Positive people learn how to handle life’s challenges differently and use these opportunities to grow. So can you! Self Motivation The self-control of motivation is increasingly understood as a subset of emotional intelligence; a person may be highly intelligent according to a more conservative definition (as measured by many intelligence test), yet unmotivated to dedicate this intelligence to certain tasks. Yale School of Management Professor Victor Vroom’s â€Å"expectancy theory† provides an account of when people will decide whether to exert self control to pursue a particular goal. Drives and desires can be described as a deficiency or need that activates behavior that is aimed at a goal or an incentive. These are thought to originate within the individual and may not require external stimuli to encourage the behavior. Basic drives could be sparked by deficiencies such as hunger, which motivates a person to seek food; whereas more subtle drives might be the 7 esire for praise and approval, which motivates a person to behave in a manner pleasing to others. Motivation Process 1. Identification of need 2. Tension 3. Course of action 4. Result –Positive/Negative 5. Feed back TYPES OF NEEDS There are many needs which an individual may have and there are various ways in which these may be classified. The basic objective behind classification of needs into different ca tegories is to find out similarity and dissimilarity in various needs so that incentives are grouped to satisfy the needs falling under one category or the other. Thus needs may be grouped into three categories. 1. Primary Needs: Primary needs are also known as psychological , biological , basic or unlearned needs . These needs are common to all human beings , though their intensity may differ . Some of the needs are food , sleep , air to breathe etc. These needs arise out of the basic physiology of life and are important for survival and preservation of species These needs are conditioned by social practice . 2. Secondary Needs: As contrast to the primary needs, secondary needs are not natural but are learned by the individual through his experience and interaction . Therefore, these are also called learned or derived needs. Emergence of these needs depends on learning . There may be different types of secondary needs like need of power, achievement, status, affiliation, etc. 8 3. General Needs: There are a number of needs which lie in the grey area between the primary and secondary classifications. In fact, there are certain such needs for competence, curiosity, manipulation, affection etc. Motivation and Behavior Motivation causes goal-directed behavior. Feeling of a need by an individual generates a feeling that he lacks something. This lack of something creates tension in the mind of individual. To overcome this state he engages himself in a behaviour to satisfy his needs. This is goaldirected behaviour.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Case Study 2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case Study 2 - Research Paper Example This part of the strategy is in keeping with low cost merchandise. Costco also only purchases certain sizes, colors, and fast moving inventory. This part of the design is to avoid keeping inventory that customers will not be interested in buying. In doing this inventory will always be moving out of the door and thus the company will always have a high inventory turnover. Not only is Costco specific in terms of choosing the characteristics of the products but Costco actually keeps a small amount of products on hand in order to avoid an inefficient number of products that are slow-moving or become unable to move. One part of the model that is concerning is that there is a lack of serious competitors in the membership warehouse business. I would be concerned with the possible effect of new competition and the growth of current firms like Sam's Club and BJ's Wholesale. Another concern I would have with Costco is the large holding of the land and warehouses. Certainly this could be though t of as a benefit for the company but with the recent drop in real estate prices the value of the property could fall and thus be less able to sell in the future with 150,000 sq. ft. warehouses on the land. On the other hand the land is purchased on low priced land, not necessarily in high traffic areas which would be a positive if the real estate price dropped, since it would be less likely to drop significantly. This is a a great business model because not only is the company able to sell a high amount of inventory in a short amount of time, but Costco is also able to finance inventory purchases through their vendors, thus avoiding long term debt. This allows them to pass on the discounts to the customer which in turn causes the volume and higher revenue. 2. What are the chief elements of Costco’s strategy? How good is the strategy? Volume Purchasing is one of the main elements of Costco's strategy. By purchasing in large amounts Costco is able to realize discounted prices from vendors. Not only that, due to discount pricing Costco is able to sell all of the merchandise before payment is due. By doing this Costco can realize their profit before paying for merchandise while avoiding the need for financing. The Costco vendors are actually financing the sale of the merchandise which is the advantage of this strategy. Treasure-hunt merchandising which is a Costco phenomenon where Costco purchasing agents search for deals that the Costco members would find desirable and stock the shelves with this product that will sell out quickly. The merchandise is purchased from wholesalers and retailers who are struggling and need to move old inventory. The inventory comes in deeply discounted even though the products are brand name products. By selling this deeply discounted merchandise Costco is able to lure in customers who love brand name products. Not only will customers purchase this merchandise but members will most likely be on the look out for such deals thus increasing the likelihood of a quick sale of the merchandise. Costco's business strategy also calls for less marketing through expensive channels such as television and radio. Instead Costco utilizes direct marketing which is not only less expensive but also very personal. The company opens up a store and directly calls companies, individuals and employee's in big

Sunday, July 28, 2019

In the news Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

In the news - Essay Example tensive research on the native tribes around the area at that time aside from everything else about the American Revolution to keep the story as realistic as possible (Frum). This focus on keeping the history accurate is what sets this game apart from other games. Aside from providing entertainment, they also aim to let people experience history in a way that exceeds that of a book or a lecture. The enhanced storytelling provided by interactivity enriches the experience and brings history to life. Knowledge about marketing tells us that setting your product apart from others is a good way to attract customers. By delving into the history and making it interesting, the game becomes more than just playable; it also becomes memorable and encourages the consumers to talk about the product to other people. By making it interesting, people will buy the product and will talk about it, encouraging other people to buy the product. It just goes to show that in marketing, even the smallest attention to details can be significant in selling a product. If they had not hired a historian, the game would have lost its uniqueness of being relatable to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Authoritarian Approach to Management Assignment

Authoritarian Approach to Management - Assignment Example The researcher states that the authoritarian approach to management builds high walls between management and employees which impedes development for the department. The old adage "two heads are better than one" certainly applies to such a management problem. It is necessary that management realizes the contributions of employees to the success of operations and their ideas or thoughts or opinions must not go unheard because suggestions coming from the men themselves doing the job are the most realistic ideas to be considered. Apart from the fact that an authoritarian management approach problematically impedes development, such a problem also raise the issue of growth on the part of the employees. Employment should contribute to the growth and maturity of an individual. However, when a problematic authoritarian management approach is used, employee development is difficult to achieve. When employee development is not promoted in a particular working environment, therefore there is no room for competitiveness. Such is an injustice towards employees and affects the total impression about the country's workers. When companies and/or government agencies/departments refuse to foster competitiveness towards its employees, the country will face problems in the fast pace of globalization. The alternative that exists to resolve the problem is to provide management training for directors and management teams to provide a wider perspective on management. Training for high ranking officials are quite unpopular however, it must be realized that management people are in most need for training to acknowledge a viewpoint outside of their own, to introduce a new practice to create a better environment, adopt an approach shared by other management trainees which have been a proven successful approach. All these and more are learned in training. Thus, with an authoritarian approach, training as an alternative to resolve the problem may open opportunities for change. Change that, will empower employees to open doors to success and develop competitiveness amongst employees. The likely consequence of the alternative which had been identified (training for high ranked officials/management) is adopting change as the training open doors of opportunities for fresh ideas, and leadership education. Chances for authoritarian management will open to change and accept suggestions, the language of "we" instead of "I". Training makes a difference to create a better and more accommodating environment due to the realization made by the officials and managers during the process of the training. The consequence to develop competitive employees, contributing to the growth and development of the department where they are assigned.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Will the Oil Crisis happen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Will the Oil Crisis happen - Essay Example As Daniel Yergen concisely states, "We're not running out of oil. Not yet." He qualifies this statement by stating, "Right now the oil market is tight, even tighter than it was on the eve of the 1973 oil crisis." He even states that, "in this high-risk market, 'surprises' ranging from political instability to hurricanes could send oil prices spiking higher," but he - like many other scholars - does not foresee an actual supply shortage in the near future. He notes that the public at large has heard the rumor that rising gas prices are an indication "that the world is going to begin running out of oil in five or 10 years," and many people believe this falsehood to be true. However, the reality of the situation is just not that simple. The ever-changing prices of fuel might be an indicator of a fluctuation in the market, but many experts agree that price instability is not a reflection of a dwindling oil supply. Yergen states that new field research conducted by Peter Jackson and Robert Esser actually indicates quite the opposite is true. He states that Jackson and Esser have actually forecast "a large, unprecedented buildup of oil supply in the next few years." Their figures estimate that "between 2004 and 2010, capacity to produce oil could grow by 16 million barrels a day -- from 85 million barrels per day to 101 million barrels a day -- a 20 percent increase." Although fuel consumption is a never-ending fact of our society, modern technology is making it possible for the world's oil suppliers to use much more efficient techniques for finding new reserves and exploiting the ones we already have. As Deming states, "With every passing year it becomes possible to exploit oil resources that could not have been recovered with old technologies." Much of the optimism in Leonardo Maugeri's The Age of Oil is founded in such technological hope. He writes, "It is probably true that our planet does not hide many more gigantic, yet-to-be-discovered deposits of conventional oil. But the discovery trends we are witnessing today can make this irrelevant" (220). He believes that "unconventional sources such as gas liquids, ultra-deep offshore deposits, ultra-heavy oils, shale oils, and tar sands" hold some hope for future development. Scientists are currently researching ways to put these resources to use. Since high gas prices allow companies to have more capital for scientific advancement and research, his hope of nontraditional fuel sources may likely become a reality. He also states that the Persian Gulf and Russian Federation "have huge potential for new reserves additions" if they can overcome "outmoded technologies and poor management" (221). Ultimately, when fuel companies need this oil, the market will likely force them to find a way to make the right technologies available to these regions. For example, the largest oilfield in Kuwait is still using equipment from the 1940's and 1950's to extract its oil (224). Surely, modern technology will be able to help this field and many others as the quest for oil intensifies. Yergin predicts that "the share of 'unconventional oil' - Canadian oil sands, ultra-deep-water developments, 'natural gas liquids' - will rise from 10 percent of total capacity in 1990 to 30 percent by

Week 7 response papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 7 response papers - Essay Example In agreement with the student, the move to have manufacturers bear the burden of disposing their products has changed the benchmarking activities of companies. Companies have to change their manufacturing and business processes as noted in response to the new regulation at least to some extent (Esty and Winston, 2006). Since the companies have to bear the burden of disposal, it is important for them to create partnerships. Partnering with other players will assist organizations in ensuring responsible recycling as in the case of Dell and FedEx. Once again, in agreement with the student, it is important for employees in the service industry to be trained on environmental audits. This is because effective sustainability is achieved by involving everyone in the company as noted by Ahmed, Montagno, and Sharma (2004). Marshall and Toffel (2005) note that sustainability can be extremely elusive if people are ignorant of facts related to the environment and waste management. This means that at all levels, workers should be trained about environmental auditing. Companies will have to change their benchmarking activities so that they become more responsible in the disposal of outdated electronic products as noted by the student. This is influenced by the fact that used electronic equipment such as computers, TVs, and cell phones are some of the quickly growing wastes in the world (ScienceDaily, 2009). The disposal of CRT monitors and tube TVs has been a thorny issue as the student notes. It is true that it is more effective to control pollution and encourage sustainability by assigning producers the burden of managing wastes as opposed to disposing old electronic equipment in landfills in agreement with Blewitt (2008). The student introduces two important factors in the waste management and sustainability debate – the issues of legality and accountability.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Regression Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Regression Analysis - Essay Example Lastly, regression analysis will be performed on statistically significant pairs of variables and regression line equation(s) of best fit will be written. Using Excel’s Data Analysis-Sampling, random number for data for country was generated (Figure 1) and corresponding records were taken from population. Table 1 in appendix shows the sample for correlation and regression analysis. Figure 3 shows the scatterplot of the GNP per head and the number of commercial vehicles. The relationship between the GNP per head and the number of commercial vehicles appears to be moderate (correlation, r = 0.556). Table 2 shows the correlation matrix for variables GNP per head, Cars per head and number of Commercial vehicles. The correlation for ‘the GNP per head and the cars per head’ and ‘the GNP per head and the number of commercial vehicles’ is significant at level of significance, ÃŽ ± = .01. Since, the correlation for GNP per head with the cars per head and the number of commercial vehicles is significant; therefore, there is strong possibility that GNP per head can be used to predict the cars per head and the number of commercial vehicles in any country. Table 3 shows the regression analysis output for the GNP per head and the cars per head using Excel. The higher value of F statistic suggests that regression is significant. GNP per head explains about 80% of variation in the cars per head. GNP per head (US $) significantly predict the cars per head,  ÃŽ ² = 0.00005,  t(28) = 10.54,  p   The slope of the regression equation suggest that each US $ increase in GNP per head adds an average of 0.00005 cars per head. The intercept is not meaningful as zero GNP per head implies negative value for the cars per head that is not possible. The regression equation can be used for predicting the cars per head of any developing

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Accounting Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Accounting Report - Essay Example diversity, because of the fact that it is one of the few sectors which have remained resilient during financial downturns and because it plays a vital role in the communities for the provision of employment opportunities and as a result acts as a driving force necessary for social cohesion. Three companies are selected for the analyses which are J D Sport Fashion Plc., Sports Direct International Plc. and Next Plc. These companies are selected because they are three renowned players in this specific segment. J D Sports Fashion Plc. is a leading retail company based in England in the segment of sport retail. Next Plc. is a British clothing, home products and footwear retail company. It is the largest retailer of clothes in the United Kingdom as measured by sales. The company has more than 700 stores across the UK and 200 across other geographical locations in Asia. The stocks of the company are listed in the London Stock Exchange. Sports Direct International Plc. is also a giant sports retail company in the United Kingdom. It is a multinational retailer with over 500 stores across the globe. All the three companies also have their respective electronic commerce stores. The general information of the three companies is summarized in Table 1. This research is aimed at answering the question as to what is the situation of the external and internal retail industry of the United Kingdom. The research question is to be answered by considering three main retail companies operating in the country which are J D Sport Fashion PLC, Sports Direct International PLC and Next Plc. The aim of the research is to provide an analysis of the retail industry through the consideration of the various influential factors that are affecting the industry. This is done by using different management and analysis tools like the Porters five forces model, PEST analysis, Critical Success Factor (CSF) evaluation and financial analysis including financial and non financial ration

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

ART WORLD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

ART WORLD - Essay Example Financial and cultural capital is important for a city in order to have an art market and the above mentioned cities have it in abundance. The United States of America has over 50% of sales when it comes to contemporary art market and this is an impressive figure considering the fact that there are other major players in the art market. There has been a recent influx of young buyers in the art market and this has brought about significant changes. It is good for the economy because a lot of money has been pumped by these young buyers into the art market. â€Å"The art world is structured as an interdependent network of social-economic actors who cooperate--often contentiously or unknowingly--to enact and perpetuate the art world, while at the same time negotiating kinds and levels of cooperation in a mutually understood careerist and competitive context.† (Art Economics) Dealers and galleries play a pivotal role in displaying the art works to prospective buyers, without these display art galleries it would be hard for buyers to see and get what they want. Auction houses also play a key role in displaying art work to prospective buyers. In addition to this there are art consultants and advisors who bridge the gap between sellers and potential buyers of art work. Art fairs are also being organized on a regular basis to attract more buyers interested in buying contemporary art work. The economy of the art world is being affected because more and more thieves are trying to get their hands on valuable works of arts so that they can sell it and make good money on these contemporary art works. It is a win win situation for the thieves because most valuable pieces of art weigh only a few pounds and they are sold for millions of dollars in the market. It is very easy to transport such expensive works of art because thieves usually steal art works that are easy to carry and transport hence, it is a very trivial job for them to get it transported. In the year 2011 artworks worth $1 billion were recovered from a home in Munich, Germany. These art works were believed to have stolen by the Nazis through the end of World War II. It has become a very lucrative business for thieves, there is no investment required and the returns are unbelievable this is precisely why more and more cases of burglary of these art works has been reported in the last few years. Stolen artwork fetches a lot of money and it is well over a billion dollar industry. This practice is illegal and also highly unethical, but people still involve themselves in this lucrative trade because there is easy money to be made. It promotes corruption in society, in addition to this famous paintings fetch a lot of money and this is precisely why many people eye these famous paintings and when an opportunity presents itself they steal it and sell it on to make a nice quick buck. There are two categories of people who steal these famous painting in an endeavor to make a quick buck. The fi rst is called the naif. A naif typically steals a painting but after sometime upon being unable to sell it, a naif realizes that the work of art has become extremely burdensome because of their inability to sell it and the same results in the work of art becoming worthless at least to the person who has stolen it. The second category represents sophisticated criminals who do not think like typical naifs. They understand and value the worth of stolen art work and come up with appropriate strategies to sell it and in the process make good money. The FBI each year reports that several high-profile paintings go missing and they also understand and realize that these high-profile paintings are being sold and the stolen artwork industry is thriving because of the same. â€Å"

Monday, July 22, 2019

Theory of utilitarianism Essay Example for Free

Theory of utilitarianism Essay The Philosophy of Utilitarianism may have a positive outcome, but it can be flawed at times as well. The Utilitarian theory states â€Å" The greatest happiness for the greatest number of people†. Some say this approach is flawed due to it lacking reason and consequence, I believe this depends on specific circumstances. Abortion is a big issue now a days and I feel that the utilitarian theory would be a reasonable outlook on this particular situation. To apply the Utilitarian theory to abortion, first we must relinquish right and wrong and the innate morals that follow, and focus on whether the end result compliments the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. An example of such would be, Lets say a lady gets raped and becomes impregnated by the rapist, first and foremost one would gather that this woman would not want to bare her rapist child, being that the pregnancy will remind her everyday of this horrendous event, causing her constant displeasure and despair emotionally, physically, and mentally. An opposing party would say that adoption would be an alternative, and yes it would be, but this means that she would have to carry this child to term, go through the pain of childbirth and the legality of the adoption process. Everything stated causes this woman displeasure. If she does go this route there still is an issue, the child itself. Secrets always come out, one day this child will find out his/her father is a rapist and that will have a detrimental negative affect on this child. Also, what if he/she wants to meet the biological mother and she protests, yet again more displeasure. What if he/she is persistant on meeting the biological mother and a meeting does take place, the woman is faced with numerous discontentment, she would have to relive and face the events that she tried so hard to bury away in her mind. The utilitarian theory would state that having this child will cause nothing but pain for everyone in the situation including the unborn fetus. If abortion did take place the outcome would be in favor of the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. Another example would be a young teenager experimenting in the sexual field, she can have a boyfriend or perhaps she has a one night stand and become pregnant. We will evaluate the situation from an utilitarian point of view, she is young, in school, single, lives at home with her parents and does not have an income. Again, adoption is an alternative, but she would still have to tell her parents, and be forced to grow up to early and miss out on her youth. Also, the pregnancy will become a burden on the teenagers parents, mentally, emotionally and financially, the outcome is unhappiness for all parties involved. Now what if a young couple gets pregnant, they would both have to drop out of school, the boyfriend who is a teenager has to become a man overnight and find a way to financially support the baby, a household and the mother. The couples parents would have to get involved and be burdened as well because of course they will try to help the young couple. A pregnancy is a blessing but it can also be a burden. An unplanned pregnancy puts stress and burdens on individuals and on couples and it is extremely hard to get through. Yet again adoption is relavant to all of these situations, but it still causes everyone involved displeasure including the baby. In all example the baby would suffer and be deprived in one way or another, whether it is proper schooling, being fed and clothed everyday and on an emotional level as well. The rapists child would one day find out the truth of how he/she was conceived. The single teenager and teenage couple would not be able to properly provide for the child, resulting in needing some sort of government assistance such as medical insurance and welfare where responsible adults pay their hard earned tax dollars. The overall outcome in all situation would not coinside with the utilitarian theory. An unexpected pregnancy is a difficult situation for any woman or couple to be in, regardless of financial stability or age. I am pro choice and believe in women having the right to choose. I also think that a woman in this situation should view it from an utilitarian’s point of view being that this theory takes the outcome of overall happiness to all people in this situation under strong consideration. If we considered this theory on the topic of abortion. I feel that the philosophy of utilitarianism would be an adequate choice.

A Self Reflection Paper Analysis Social Work Essay

A Self Reflection Paper Analysis Social Work Essay Critically comment upon experiences in terms of my own counselling experience and experience working within the organisation. My practicum was undertaken at Lifeline Community Care Queensland, Fraser District in telephone counsellor role. To be eligible for a placement within the telephone counselling area, a Lifeline Telephone Counselling training course must first be completed. I was fortunate that I had completed the training a little over two years ago. Not only did I have the basic training, but I was also a current volunteer in other roles within the telephone counselling area. I benefited from being familiar with the organisation, the relevant policies and procedures, and a number of staff members. I did not have to go through new person difficulties. I believe I have a good working relationship with my supervisors. New learning activities included undertaking computer supervision, sit-in supervision and support, and providing administrative support. Continuous reading, self a ssessment and reflection, along with the keeping of journal notes proved invaluable to my learning and skills development. Discuss in light of relevant theoretical concepts and research Without it being stated Lifeline telephone counselling uses a client directed outcome informed approach (Duncan, Miller Sparks, 2004). In training we are educated in the principles of the callers story and of the need to explore with the caller their options, past coping and/or solutions to address their issue. The telephone counselling training details the Carl Rogers concept of unconditional positive regard (Lifeline Training Manual, 2009), without which it may be impossible to build the rapport needed to establish a counselling relationship. There is no measure of the service provided or feedback requested from callers to the 13 11 14 crisis line service. The Outcome Rating Scale and Session Rating Scale (Duncan, Miller Sparks, 2004) are perhaps not entirely suitable for this purpose, but might be adapted in order to provide a feedback mechanism. Some callers leave you with very clear indication of how they believe the call went and what was achieved. However in other cases I am left wondering about client satisfaction. As the service is a crisis line, there is no opportunity to follow through with a client. Scott Miller (1997), in his audio CD, Working with mandated clients, identifies three types of clients: the Customer, 15% of clients, the Browser, 65% of clients and the Visitor, 20% of clients. In telephone counselling terms I relate the customer callers to those who are in the preparation stage of change and ring to gain clarity, for support and/or someone to listen and guide them in their planned action. The browser callers can describe the problem in detail, but appear to be stuck, this category would include the yes, but callers. The last group, the visitor caller, does not identify as having any problem themselves, everyone has a problem with them. Some of the callers I have spoken to, for example, some callers with mental illness concerns, perpetrators of domestic violence, and callers who report their drug and alcohol issues, I would place in this group. Reflect on own experience and learning in light of research and theory. As the role of telephone counselling was known to me, I was in a position to begin extra reading from the commencement of the practicum placement. I chose material that I thought would provide relevant information to the provision of the 13 11 14 crisis telephone service and to improve my general knowledge. My supervisor suggested that as many as 85% of callers had a mental illness, not that all callers with an identified mental illness disclosed that as their reason for calling. In light of this high number I began my reading list with The everything health guide to adult bipolar disorder (Bloch, 2006); and A family intervention guide to mental illness (Morey Muser, 2007). These two books coupled with the Clinicians Thesaurus (Zuckerman, 2005) provided valuable information which helped to guide my questions to callers, in order to better understand their issues and expectations of their call. Callers at risk of suicide require a very high level of attention, these calls are stressful and can be challenging. My initial training in dealing with suicide was comprehensive. I later completed the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (LivingWorks, 2004). Ongoing reading into the issues of suicide, loss and grief have improved my knowledge and in turn helped me to gain a greater understanding of the pain and suffering experienced by the person at risk and their families. The need for empathic listening is clearly outlined in McKissock McKissock (1995) Coping with Grief and Appleby (1992) Surviving the Pain after Suicide, both are small easy to read, and relevant books. Reflect/examine journal entries as a whole. Go back over your supervision journal noting the main themes and patterns of thought as well and incidents and insights. Reference material, for example, Becoming a Helper (Corey Corey, 2009) and the Clinicians Thesaurus (Zuckerman, 2005) outline informed consent, detailing what a client may expect regarding confidentiality, of their rights within the counselling relationship and the decision making process. Clients are also informed of the limitations of confidentially. This is not the case in telephone counselling, where confidentially is implied. In cases where police or medical interventions are required, this can present an ethical and/or moral dilemma. If the caller has disclosed such issues that it goes against the morals of the telephone counsellor, the supervisor on call, and/or society, would it be better not to report the suicide in progress? In telephone counselling there is no opportunity to pick your calls, you cannot be a specialist in any one area. It is necessary to have the skills to work with callers on a wide range of issues. The concept of unconditional positive regard is question ed when I am faced with a caller who is drunk, abusive or is clearly sex caller (a caller who discloses unwanted explicit detail). In some cases there is a clear breach of client confidentiality, such as the case when the telephone counsellor on shift, promised the caller that she would not contact the police (journal entry 17 October 2010), even after his disclosed that he had already taken a higher than recommended dose of medication and had a history of mental illness. After contacting Poisons Information it was clear that the callers life was at risk and intervention was required. Perhaps this could be viewed as the telephone counsellor, not calling the Police, but as the action of contracting the police was undertaken by another. The clients confidentiality was technically breached several times, in the TC providing me with details, in my providing the Police with the callers information and in consultation with the supervisor. Two books which have proved very valuable as resources are the Clinicians thesaurus (Zuckerman, 2005) as quick reference including treatment for specific disorders and concerns and a Listing of common psychiatric and psychoactive drugs. The other reference is People in Crisis (Hoskinson, 2000), which has proven to be extremely helpful. I use the book to ground me, when I am seeking reassurance that I am on track, when I am faced with a challenging issue or when I am exposed to issues where I am little or no experience. Analyse your experiences and record any modifications of your views. Overall I enjoyed the roles and activities undertaken in the practicum with Lifeline and I believe that the experience was a very valuable learning experience. Additional reading undertaken improved my general knowledge of many of the issues raised by callers. Although, only one counselling approach is used in telephone counselling, strengths based approach, this is similar to the solution focused approach that I believe will become my favoured counselling approach. This belief is based on my limited experience to date and on the feedback from callers when they find their own solutions. It is gratifying to hear the light bulb moment when callers realise what they have or can achieve. Ongoing training and development, such as at the Wide Bay Womens Centre, which provides DVD viewing and networking opportunities, the Lifeline In Service Training and the GOSS nights are relevant and beneficial, as they present information that is generally immediately applicable in my role as a telephone counsellor. The Huntingtons Disease National Conference in September highlighted the art of listening. Of the problems associated with not listening with full attention, jumping ahead and interrupting the speaker and of the importance of asking the right questions and of avoiding complex questions. The National Lifeline National Conference in November provided a greater insight into suicide prevention strategies. It was inspiring to hear from some great speakers such as Professor Brian Mishara, who spoke about suicide prevention and help lines. The Lifeline Suicide Prevention Strategy was launched and a copy of the new booklet was supplied. The motivational speaker, Maggie Mackellar , the author of When it rains, spoke about her experiences. I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to speak privately with her and to purchase a signed copy of her book. Review your experiences in light of any relevant research and theory that relates to the themes you have observed and highlight the implications and learning for your personal development. In a client directed, outcome informed approach to counselling there is a focuses on the relationship with the client and the clients additional therapeutic factors (Duncan, Miller Sparks, 2004). Corey Corey (2009) suggest that when we engage with a client we are not consciously thinking about what theory we are using. Rather we adjust to fit the client taking into account their willingness to engage and the trust we establish together. In telephone counselling this is referred to as building rapport and exploring caller options (Lifeline Training Manual, 2009), the telephone counsellor works with the client to understand the problem from the clients point of view, and to explore with the client what they wish to achieve and to discuss the ways they can achieve their goal. Boylan Scott (2009) describe brief therapies a descriptive summary which could also be applied to define the functions of telephone counselling provided by the 13 11 14, Lifeline Crisis Line. The service provides short term, crisis support. There is not follow up contact or counselling and no client measurable feedback. Essay should demonstrate learning that is based on both experience and theory/research. In this placement with Lifeline, telephone counselling, I was able to tie together past life and work experiences, Lifeline training, academic study and general reading. In a crisis line telephone counselling service, you never know what the next call will bring, however the extra reading has provided a greater knowledge and understanding of the some topics, but it is only is in the practice of asking of better questions of the caller that any real benefit is gained. In applying a client directed outcome informed approach (Duncan, Miller Sparks, 2004), the caller is recognised as the expert on their problem. A relationship (rapport) with the caller cannot be established without first listening and seeking to understand the callers issues from perspective, while valuing and respecting their position. Change is driven by the caller and it is important that their ideas about options, management and change are explored. The need for empathy and caring and the ability to reduce the callers stress while providing an opportunity the caller to speak openly regarding their problems is paramount. I have long been aware of the need of self reflection and self care, the importance of which has been reinforced during this placement, along with the essential requirement to keep reading, questioning and learning. I was very fortunate in having good support from my supervisors, I was able to debrief, question and discuss any topic or issue as it arose. My conclusion at the competition of CDS3000 practicum is that I remain a work in progress. I believe that I am a competent telephone counsellor, but I wonder if this will translate to face-to-face counselling.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Exploitation Of Conflict Minerals In The Congo Politics Essay

Exploitation Of Conflict Minerals In The Congo Politics Essay The Democratic Republic of the Congo, once a European colony relinquished for its vast amount of raw minerals, gained independence in 1960 from France and has for more than twelve years suffered from continuous civil war over the distribution and control of said resources. Moreover, violence has become so deadly in this region, from forced labor, torture, recruitment of child soldiers, extortion, and killings by armed groups to oppress and control civilians, that it has been regarded as being the .deadliest conflicts globally since World War II. (Prendergast, 2009) Scholar Michael Niemann (2007) reported that Corrupt national and local government, various rebel movements, and governments and armed forces of Rwanda, Uganda, and Zimbabwe, and, to a lesser extent, Angola, Namibia, and Chad all conspire for one thing- to profit from the mineral and other wealth in various resource enriched areas of the country (p. 25). One of these minerals includes Columbite-tantalite coltan for short one of the worlds most sought-after materials; the refinement of coltan leads to a highly heat-resistant metal powder called tantalum. This powder can sell for $100 a pound, and slowly is becoming increasingly vital to modern life. For the high-tech industry, tantalum is magic dust, a key component in everything from mobile phones made by Nokia and Ericsson and computer chips from Intel to Sony stereos and VCRs. (Essick, 2001) Mineral conflict in the Congo is not only a national concern but an international one as well, as most consumers of products that use the minerals exploited from the Congo live outside the country. Prendergast (2009) reported, Consumers in the United States, Europe, and Asia are the ultimate end-users of these conflict minerals, as they inadvertently fuel the war through purchases of these electronics products. Consequently, many people are directly connected to this issue as they are part of a group that legitimatize and unintentionally spur such conflict. Thus, it is important to appreciate the gross antiquity the consumer of the final product sanctions and endorses by virtue of the use of certain products that may contain coltan. In addition to this, this is relevant to Canadas relationship with the Third World because Canadians are a large group of this consumer population. Three important areas of discussion in regards to Congolesian conflict mineral development are: the country s struggle to establish viable states on the ruins of repressive colonial states and how this relates to internal maintenance of socio-economic hierarchy, the related role of a paltry economy, and mineral industrialization in regards to globalization and the role of national and international governments. The goal of this paper will be to outline, within the realm of these three subtopics, the national and international shortcomings/ hindrances and adverse progressions to reduce current mineral conflict in the Congo. Despite frequently promoting colonization as a key contributor to developmental regression, professional and scholarly literature on Congolesian conflict often varies in regards to what particular element of Congolesian culture is most reflective of such regression. (Economic standing, political makeup, etc.) Scholar Michael Niemanns (2007) journal War Making and State Making In Central Africa, specifically concentrates on critically analyzing the concept of the African failed state, recognizing the Western bias inherently stemming from the dominance of colonial powers. Niemann (2007) advocated for a governmental space where . alternative forms of rule and political community can be explored, forms that have a longer staying power than the mostly failed attempts to create the veneer of a liberal democracy which the palimpsest of the repressive colonial state remains visible. (p. 23). Niemann also and most importantly affirms a principle of sovereignty in Congolesian government that w as not only clearly apparent under colonial rule, but also continuously apparent in modern Congolesian government as well (p. 27). This particular issue of modern Congolesian rule as a means of mineral conflict hindrance can best be understood with reference to internal maintenance of socio-economic hierarchy as it relates to colonial legacy. Both Niemann and scholar Severine Autesserre (2009) indicated the influence of the national and local elite. Niemann presented a specific argument: the process of class formation on the continent is incomplete[and].. African states tend to be repressive, rather than hegemonic, but nevertheless fully functioning for the purposes of the class alliance in power. (p. 26) He reported that Efficiency. is not a necessary prerequisite for a functioning state..[and] stresses that the African role in the global system is not one of marginalization or dependence, but one of extraversion, through which elites have long constructed external relations to strengthen their power within their own spheres. (p. 26) Consequently, Niemann concluded that although these relations have proven asym metrical, it does not detract from the fact that they worked well for Congolesian elites. Complimentary to this notion, Jackson (2002) also indicated the prominence of the elite minority in the form of corrupt government when he reported the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.exploit minerals and other resources through stealing stockpiles, entering into agreements with transnational corporations to produce, procure and sell these resources in a global market (p 519). Thus, colonial legacy which is reflective and extended in socio-economic hierarchy according to Niemann and Jackson, proves to be an integral part in both understanding and unpacking the issue of mineral conflict in the Congo. Moreover, in order to begin to understand the upkeep and maintenance of such conflict, it would appear critical to first understand the legacy colonial rule has left on the make-up of national and local Congolesian elites. Furthermore, as Niemann points out, it is difficult not on ly to apply liberal democracy to Congolesian government and recognize it either as a veneer or perhaps even a solution, without first considering the impact and legacy colonialism has left on the political makeup of the country. Similar to Niemanns point on colonial rule, Stephen Jacksons (2002) journal Making a Killing: Criminality Coping in Kivu War Economy spoke of the Congos lucrative economy based on artisanal mining of tantalum ore, highlighting a radical mutation of livelihood strategies responding to an economy profoundly destroyed by colonial and post-colonial neglect and greed. (p. 517) Both scholars articulate the legacy of colonial rule , so to speak, but also focus their research on separate cohesive hindrances on conflict reduction. While Niemann highlighted the importance and withstanding failure of developing political rule separate from Western idealized liberal democracy, Jackson focused his research on the recurring danger of the paltry and dependent Congolesian economy. Noteworthy scholar Carol B. Thompsons journal US Trade with Africa: African Growth Opportunity also provides sufficient economic reasoning in cohesion with colonial legacy. Thompson (2004) reported that the Congos expor ts are non-processed minerals and agricultural products. Although the countries are now independent, their exports remain colonial products. (p. 458) In his writing, Thompson also provided a remark by President Joquim Chissano of Mozambique that, although not specific to the Congo, articulates the role colonialism has had and continues to have in various African countries economy: .circumstances have confined us to act as producers of raw materials and unprocessed goods for export to the rich countries of the North. While we are passed to open upon countries and streamline our methods of doing international business, so that the global economy may sink roots, invisible barriers are still making it difficult for us to access resources. (Thompson, 458) Both Thompson and Jackson do an effective job of explaining the impact that colonial rule has had both implicitly and explicitly on the economy of the Congo. This is further proven in the United Nations Human Development Report (2003) that stated that Africas share in the world fell from about 6 percent in 1980 to 2 percent in 2002, and its share of world imports from about 4.6 percent in 1980 to 2.1 percent in 2002. (p.ii) The report also went on to state that subsequently Africas heavy dependence on primary commodities as a source of export earnings has meant that the continent remains vulnerable to the vagaries of the market and weather conditions. (Economic Development in Africa: Issues on Africas Trade Performance, 2003, p.ii). Similarly, the Congo, once officially a colony of France, was exploited primarily for its raw mineral wealth. Today, although technically an independent country, the Congo remains highly dependent on raw minerals, coltan in particular. It is this heavy re liance that enables not only economic instability but also related conflict (Jackson, 2002). Furthermore, it is also important to contextualize the financial situation of the Congo in order to better understand, in detail, any economic hindrance on reducing mineral conflict. In recent years, because of the pressure of declining oil prices, the depreciation of the dollar, and burdensome debt service, the Government of the Congo has been forced to adopt austere financial measures. After slashing its 1986 budget by 40 percent, the government entered into a Stand-By Agreement with the IMF which made possible the rescheduling of Congos then $1 billion in foreign debt. (Congo: U.S. goods are extremely competitive here right now,1998) A subsequent Paris Club rescheduling, debt relief granted by commercial banks, and World Bank structural adjustment also helped avert what would have otherwise been a large capital-account deficit. (Congo: U.S. goods are extremely competitive here right now,1998) Production in the forestry sector has gradually increased due to improvements in the tran sportation system and the opening up of new concessions in the north. (Congo: U.S. goods are extremely competitive here right now,1998) Consequently, such information is, although brief, critical in establishing sound understanding of further encumbrance on the reduction of Congolesian mineral conflict with respect to economic instability. Closely related to discussions of the implication of colonization on the Congolesian economy, are ones involving the exploitive effects of mineral industrialization and globalization on African states and the role of national and international governments to curb such behavior. As the countries of the world increase their interdependence and co-relation, African states, including the Congo, are not only forced to deal with establishing themselves on the ruins of repressive colonial state, but simultaneously adapt to increasingly globalized, and thus changing markets. The success and adverse hindrances as a result of this, will be explored in the following few paragraphs. Most scholarly and professional literature recognize the direct role that exploitation of conflict mineral in the Congo has played in the onset and preservation of warfare, (Niemann; Collier, 2003; Prendergast, 2009; Global Witness Limited, 2009) though provide various explanations to suggest the role globalization has had in the conflict. P. Collier of the World Bank reported in a policy report that, in a cross-national statistical analysis of civil war onset in 161 countries since 1960, the extent of primary commodity exports is the strongest single influence on the risk of conflict (2000, p. 10). By way of explanation, he argues that primary commodity dependence creates better opportunities to finance rebel groups which in turn enable rebellion. Niemann (2007) explicitly spoke of globalization and Transnational Corporations when he stated that cell phones have revolutionized the way we communicate, but in Central Africa their biggest legacy is war. Nearly 3 million people have die d in Congoover coltan in the conflict that is really over natural resources sought by foreign corporations (p.39). Essick (2001) similarly indicates that the demand for tantalum took off with the boom of high-tech products and with it a new sinister market began flourishing in the Democratic Republic of Congo. (para. 3). Despite providing context for why globalization does in fact take place, Global Witness Limited is the only source that provided framework to explicitly suggest why corporations have not sanctioned or cut their ties from mineral conflict. Global Witness Limited (2009) reported on the trading houses based in Goma and Bukavu that buy, sell and export minerals produced by or benefiting the warring parties and how houses are officially censed and registered with the Congolese government act as a cover for laundering minerals which are fuelling the conflict. (p. 7) Global Witness Limited focused on how these companies sell the minerals on to a range of processing and man ufacturing companies, including firms in the electronics industry. (p. 8) Global Witness Limited also reported on the difficulty and lack of initiative from corporations and governments to regulate chain minerals. In the following few paragraphs international and subsequently national, initiative will be explored. One of the most pronounced hindrances on the reduction of mineral conflict in the Congo is the national governments failure to address the role of Rwanda as a channel and trading post for the products which benefit the warring parties of the Congo. Global Witness Limited reports indicated this point, as well as that In theory, Rwandan customs officials check the paperwork accompanying all consignments from the Congo, but the government has not been pro-active in delving deeper into the origins of the minerals transported across the border.. (p. 71) As well, Global Witness Limited also stated that neither the Rwandan government nor mineral trading companies operating in Rwanda are conducting due diligence to ensure that trade is not benefitting any Congolesian warring parties. (p. 71) Thus, from the Global Witness Limited report, it would seem that a major encumbrance on the reduction of national mineral conflict stem from the ease with which such minerals can cross the border into Rw anda; something that is helping to fuel the conflict. Adversely, progression in the reduction of mineral conflict seems to have been made with regards to national governmental initiatives within the country itself as of 2010. Although the Global Witness report indicated a lack of government corresponding action, this report was issued in 2009 and obviously does not address the most current initiatives of the government. According to the 2009 report, Neither of the two main initiatives launched in late 2007 the Nairobi communiquà © of and the Amani Programme arising from the Goma agreement-including concrete actions to stop the involvement of the warring parties in the natural resource trade. (p. 77) However according to Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series (2010) the government of the Congo has suspended all mining operations in three eastern provinces, North Kivu, South Kivu and Maniema on the border with Uganda, Rwanda and Burundiafter the United States threatened new legislation to ensure stricter contro ls to ensure DR Congos minerals were obtained legally. (para. 1). It was also reported in the article that as of September of the same year, Congos armed forces had recaptured the coltan specifically in Walikale, a town torn by over 15 years of mineral conflict. (Democratic Republic of Congo: Enyele Attack, 2010). Subsequently, national governmental initiatives by virtue of such suspensions, seem to be progressive in absolving some mineral conflict within the country. With specific respect to the countrys struggle to establish viable states on the ruins of repressive colonial states and how this relates to internal maintenance of socio-economic hierarchy, the related role of a paltry economy, and mineral industrialization in regards to globalization and the role of national and international governments, mineral conflict complexity in the Congo has been explored. Though scholars and academics vary in their research according to different enablers of such mineral conflict, from political instability to economic condition, all seem to agree to some degree the importance of historically contextualizing the conflict. For example, political instability and maintenance of socio-economic hierarchy are not merely a static political or social reality of Congo, but the by-product of over a hundred years of instilled and exploitative colonial rule. Moreover, as much as mineral conflict is harmful in itself, it is important to recognize that by virtue of colo nial legacy that has created socio-economic hierarchy, there are still those that benefit from the exploitive behavior and subsequent mineral conflict. Similarly, economic conditions of the Congo also must be understood with reference to colonial rule of the past, as well as current exploitive behavior of rich countries on developing countries primary commodified economies of the present. Again, industrialization of mineral resources in the Congo and national and international government initiatives, or lack of, must be understood with reference to historical power relations. There is a high demand for coltan as the consumer population of technologies that use this precise metal grows. However as this demand grows, it would appear that companies have capitalized on historical power relations to exploit countries like the Congo with little regard to things like labor conditions and rebel control. Although there has been some progression in the way of conflict mineral reduction, it wo uld appear that there are still many hindrances that need to be first addressed in order to continue this progression. Canadian consumers must recognize not only the existence of mineral conflict, but also appreciate how their purchases fuel directly such conflict and endorse exploitive behavior. The next step in reduction of mineral conflict in the Congo after this recognition is to recognize the historically relevant legacy of colonialism that continues to be reflective in elements such as national financial condition and political stability. Once this occurs, it is then important to start asking questions. Is it possible to reconfigure socio-economic hierarchy in the Congo that has prevailed with the help of paternal countries for over a hundred years? Is it possible to screen mineral trade and purchase without greatly stalling and bruising the mineral dependent economy of the Congo? There are many enabling factors that contribute to mineral conflict in the Congo and there are a number of related issues that much be recognized and absolved before real progression can take place. The most important element however remains the same, this is not merely an international conflict that is the by-product of something inherently Congolesian, but the result of international exploitive and historical behavior.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

In Liam OFlaherty´s The Sniper, all of these are brought to an acute r

In Liam O'Flaherty ´s The Sniper, all of these are brought to an acute reality in a single war-torn city. Strong cerebral convictions and opposing philosophies, due to which people want to destroy. The Sniper How does the author depict the turmoil and plight in a war-torn city in â€Å"The Sniper†? Anger, pain, death and remorse- all unpleasant, but all are faced and handled in every war. In Liam O'Flaherty's "The Sniper," all of these are brought to an acute reality in a single war-torn city. Strong cerebral convictions and opposing philosophies, due to which people want to destroy the seemingly â€Å"wrong† plague this world and are the main reason for plight. To aid in his creation of such emotional conflict, turmoil and plight, the author has portrayed the sniper as a very controversial character. This story is oriented around one character in the Civil War which he should not even be in as he is mentioned to be a â€Å"student† in the story. The story whose main theme is violence, attempts to chronicle the short span of fanaticism that inspires youth that leads to turmoil in the first place. In this chaotic situation however, fanaticism is what one may need in order to survive and this is exactly what the sniper is facing. This is shown when the sniper is said to be the â€Å"student with the face of an ascetic†. He has one task to perform- to kill the soldiers of the Free States. However, the most important line that catches the attention of the reader is â€Å"†¦the eyes of a man who is used to looking at death.† This is very ironic as he was earlier compared to a student who is like a symbol for innocence where now he is spoken of as a murderer. He is engrossed in fulfilling his duty and is now a student of violence.... ...s’ the life of a soldier. The gory sights in the city of Dublin, torn apart and paralysed with war and fear is depicted by people bleeding in the gutters till they die and rapid gunfire everywhere followed by a deafening silence. Killing is done in cold blood and even then, the sniper maintains calm until he kills his opponent sniper on the opposite rooftop. This calmness in goriness clearly justifies the turmoil and the plight that the author shows in this short story. The author uses the course and characters of the story to chart the course of the characters in every scene of violence everywhere. The emphasis given to the bloodshed, the war, the loss of life is more than what is given to the feelings, the people and the life and in this way Liam O’Flaherty has depicted turmoil and plight in the war-torn city in this short story titled â€Å"The Sniper†.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Are Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Ethical? Essay -- Euthan

Is Euthanasia Ethical?        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Euthanasia is one of the most acute and uncomfortable contemporary problems in medical ethics.   Is Euthanasia Ethical?   The case for euthanasia rests on one main fundamental moral principle: mercy.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is not a new issue; euthanasia has been discussed-and practised-in both Eastern and Western cultures from the earliest historical times to the present.   But because of medicine's new technological capacities to extend   life, the problem is much more pressing than it has in the past, and both the discussion and practice of euthanasia are more widespread.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Euthanasia is a way of granting mercy-both by direct killing and by letting the person die.   This principle of mercy establishes two component duties: 1. the duty not to cause further pain or suffering; and 2. the duty to act to end pain or suffering already occurring. Under the first of these, for a physician or other caregiver to extend mercy to a suffering patient may mean to refrain from procedures that cause further suffering-provided, of course, that the treatment offers the patient no overriding benefits.   The physician must refrain from ordering painful tests, therapies, or surgical procedures when they cannot alleviate suffering or contribute to a patient's improvement or cure. Perhaps the most familiar contemporary medical example is the treatment of burn victims when survival is unprecedented; if with the treatments or without them the chances of the patient's survival is nil, mercy requires the physician not to impose the debridement treatments , which are excruciatingly painful, when they can provide the patie... ...rom inattention, malevence, fears of addiction, or divergent priorities in resources.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In all of these cases, of course, the patient can be sedated into unconsciousness; this does indeed end the pain.   But in respect of the patient's experience, this is tantamount to causing death: the patient has no further conscious experience and thus can achieve no goods, experience no significant communication, satisfy no goals.   Furthermore, adequate sedation, by depressing respiratory function, may hasten death.   Though it is always technically possible to achieve relief from pain, at least when the appropriate resources are available, the price may be functionally and practically equivalent, at least from the patient's point of view, to death.   And this, of course, is just what the issue of euthanasia is about.

The Novel: Victorian Women’s Guilty Pleasure Essay -- Victorian Era

The Novel: Victorian Women’s Guilty Pleasure Introduction Victorian single women in the middle and upper class were expected to explore charity and community service as a way to help the poor. The attitude of â€Å" rich are busy, poor can wait† was supposed to be overturned, so that a â€Å" poor are busy, rich can wait† attitude could alleviate the growing poverty within the lower class. Miss Crawley’s blatant disregard for the poor, in addition to her zealous behavior, would normally be shunned in Victorian society, but because of her status, her irate behavior is overlooked. Her love for French culture was unusual for a woman of her status, but French novels, along with various types of British â€Å" sensation† novels, were a popular form of entertainment among Victorian women. French Influence After the French Revolution of 1789, the British followed events in France very closely. British museums have an extensive collection of French artifacts, especially literature by Alexander Dumas and Emile Zola. The French novel was under much scrutiny, due to the French novelists love of realistically portraying dramatic, grotesque events in an erotic fashion. The novels portrayal of their heroines was shunned as well. â€Å"Their contents included tales of adultery, bigamy, passion, crime and general unladylike behavior and were especially disliked for the overt presentation of sexuality in their leading female characters† (â€Å" Women’s Reading Materials†) The French novel was easily identified by a distinct yellow cover, beautifully illustrated by Vincent Van Gogh in his painting â€Å"Parisian Novel (yellow books).† Unfortunately, the British Medical Journal â€Å" The Lancet† thought otherwise. French novels were deemed responsible for social â€Å" diseases† ... of society, providing women readers with women who live outside of their own realms of society. â€Å" The heroine of this class of novel is charming because she is undisciplined, and the victim of impulse; because she has never known restraint or has cast it aside, because in all these respects she is below the thoroughly trained and tried woman.† (Sensationalist reviews). Further Information Works Cited Victorian Sensationalism Online French Literature ( Women’s Reading Material ( Sensationalist Review(

Thursday, July 18, 2019


1. Consider the supply chain for a domestic automobile. a. What are the components of the supply chain for the automobile? b. What are the different firms involved in the supply chain? c. What are the objectives of these firms? d. Provide examples of conflicting objectives in this supply chain. e. What are the risks that rare or unexpected events pose to this supply chain? a. b. c. d. e. Pick any car model manufactured by a domestic auto maker.For example, consider the 2002 Ford Thunderbird. a. The supply chain for a car typically includes the following components:: 1. Suppliers for raw materials 2. Suppliers for parts and subsystems 3. Automobile manufacturer (Ford, in the example). Within a company, there are also different departments, which constitute the internal supply chain: i. Purchasing and material handling ii. Manufacturing iii. Marketing, etc. 4. Transportation providers 5. Automobile dealers b. Many firms are involved in the supply chain. 1. Raw material suppliers. For instance, suppliers for steel, rubber, plastics, etc. 2. Parts suppliers. For instance, suppliers for engines, steering wheels, seats, and electronic components, etc. 3. Automobile manufacturer. For instance, Ford. 4. Transportation providers. For instance, shippers, trucking companies, railroads, etc. 5. Automobile dealers. For instance, Hayward Ford. c. All companies involved in the supply chain want to maximize their respective profits by increasing revenue and decreasing cost. However, companies may employ different strategies in order to achieve this goal.Some of them focus on customer satisfaction and quick delivery, while others may be more concerned about minimizing inventory holding costs. d. In general, different parts of the supply chain have objectives that are not aligned with each other. 1. Purchasing: Stable order quantities, flexible delivery lead times and little variation in mix. 2. Manufacturing: Long production runs, high quality, high productivity and low pr oduction costs. 3. Warehousing: Low inventory, reduced transportation costs and quick replenishment capability. 4. Customers: Short order lead times, a large variety of products and low prices. e.Typically, the automobile dealer would like to offer a variety of car colors and configurations to accommodate different customer preferences, and meanwhile have a short delivery lead time from the manufacturer. However, in order to maximize the length of production runs, and utilize resources more efficiently, the manufacturer would like to aggregate orders from different dealers and offer less variety in car configurations. This is a clear example of conflicting marketing and manufacturing goals. ———————– 2. Consider a consumer mortgage offered by a bank. a. What are the components of the supply chain for the mortgage? . Is there more than one firm involved in the supply chain? What are the objectives of the firm or firms? c. What ar e the similarities between product and service supply chains? What are the differences? a. b. c. a. The supply chain for a consumer mortgage offered by a bank may involve various components. 1. Marketing companies that handle solicitation to potential customers. 2. Credit reporting agencies that evaluate potential customers. 3. The bank that extends the mortgage loans. 4. Mortgage brokers through which the loans are distributed. . The marketing companies strive to increase the response rate from homebuyers in order to maximize their returns. Banks aim at a customer portfolio with a relatively low risk, healthy flow of payments and low average loan maturity date. The brokers would like to maximize their sales commissions. c. Similar to product supply chains, the objective of a service supply chain is to provide what is needed (in this case, a particular type of service, rather than a physical product) at the right location, at the right time, and in a form that conforms to custom er requirements while minimizing system wide costs.However, there are a number of differences between the two types of supply chains. For instance: 1. In a product supply chain, there is both a flow of information and physical products. In a service supply chain, it is primarily information. 2. Contrary to a service supply chain, transportation and inventory are major cost components in a product supply chain. 3. Services typically cannot be held in inventory, so matching capacity with demand is frequently more important in a service supply chain. 4.In a service supply chain, the (explicit) cost of information is higher than in a product supply chain. Note that in the mortgage example above, the bank has to compensate the credit reporting agency for each credit report it obtains. ——————————————————- 3. What is an example of a supply chain that has evolved ove r time? Many supply chains evolve over time. For example, consider a memory chip supply chain. Production strategies may change during different stages of the product life cycle.When a new memory chip is introduced, price is high, yield is low, and production capacity is tight, and the availability of the product is important. Consequently, production is usually done at plants close to markets, and the management focuses on increasing yield, reducing the number of production disruptions, and fully utilizing capacity. When the product matures, however, its price drops and demand is stabilized for a period of time, so minimizing production cost moves to center stage. To reduce costs, production may be outsourced to overseas foundries, where labor and materials are much cheaper.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

It205 – Hardware Replacement Project

Hardw atomic number 18 permutation throw IT/205 Management of knowledge systems June 24, 2012 Cristina Oliver Hardw be Replacement Project The IT department is implementing a natural CRM solution in its corporate offices. The hardwargon accreditedly in subroutine is discover of date and impart not represent the CRM drill. The hardware must(prenominal) be replaced front to deployment. Resource Ch. 11 of Essentials of Management Information Systems Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper that addresses the succeeding(a) How do the five major variables of ascertain counselingscope, snip, cost, flavor, and riskrelate to this scenario?What considerations must be applied when selecting frames that supply the outdo business value? What factors that work out offer risk? What strategies would you recomm devastation for minimizing this construes risks? * The Information Technology department is implementing a sweet CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution in its cor porate offices scarcely what we found is that the current hardware is out-of-data and depart not jut out the sore CRM action, so to implement the smart CRM solution we must upgrade tot entirelyy the hardware prior to deployment of the CRM application.The assessment of scope, age, cost, quality and risk are the five variables necessitate to consider when planning out this befuddle of the hardware replacement for the CRM application. Project management refers to the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to come across specific sterns inside specific budgets (Laudon & Laudon, 2011, P. 397). The mould carriages position is to queue the run across to meet the necessary target in which they must estimate resources requisite for the work (materials and people), plan the work, assign and post the work, report progress, analyze the results, acquire materials, and assesses the risk.In implementing the CRM catch we see that the forecast scope is to reali ze on the whole hardware replaced. Hardware that would be replaced are desktops, servers and perchance handheld devices. foregoing to inst aloneation of hardware to the corporate offices in that location impart be installation of the parcel which includes direct systems, standard company applications and the mod CRM application, testifying of the applications and hardware in the test environment prior to testing on the production network and just before replace of the hardware to the offices at that place go out be education training and so a small department rollout to maintain and finalize any risks.We neediness to manikin a realistic sequence to achieve our target on the CRM depict as time. What allow be needed is to hold on down each comp wiznt into severalize designates and activities so each team has time to accomplish their designates. Remember that each trade union movement given is dependent for the next task to succeed. This give a schedule of when t he learn may be deald. Costs are based on the time to complete a hurl multiplied by the daily cost of human resources involve to complete the stray (Laudon & Laudon, 2011, P. 399). Costs to a fault include the hardware, software and real estate of the realm of where roughlyone sits when doing the work.The bulge manager is accountable for developing the budget as healthful as monitoring the expenses of the ongoing project attempting not to go over their communicate budget. caliber is the indication of how healthful the project is going and also how well the end result satisfies the objects requested by management. Quality defines the workmanship, accuracy and the timelines of the information produced by the new system being implemented. Quality grants a more positive outcome within the project team as well as management. Risk are something that happens with all projects as they are potentiality problems that endanger the success of a project.The problems that could ari se butt joint prevent a project from run across its timelines by increasing time and costs, lowering the quality of the output or possibly preventing the project altogether. When given the project timeline it is normally given some of the risks entangled with each tasks and within the project there is the attempt to give buffer time should those risks appear. Considerations that must be applied when selecting projects that deliver the best business value are benefits and costs. In the long or possibly short are the benefits that can get hold costs and possibly or pull up stakes increase financial gains for the business.The company call for to realize the CRM application if it will and then benefit from this application and that the application covers all aspects of what the required objectives. Obviously if the company purchases the CRM application and doesnt meet the requirements then the project will not reap the benefits or costs. Other considerations are training and for ethought of the hardware, software and application. Without training of the application how would one know how to use it to its full potential? Training is planned and designed for the sundry(a) users and departments.With the CRM application each department will have their specific requirements as to what they will use it for and what they can and cannot access. The IT group will be trained on how to permit the application and how to maintain and upgrade when needed. This leads into tutelage which is never cost effective but normally mandatory for reasons of fixing application bugs or hardware upgrades and even operating system updates. Factors or levels that may tempt project risk are sizing of the project, structure of the project and the level of skilful expertness (SME Subject Matter Experts) of the IT cater and project team.Other considerations are advisors if the IT staff is does not have the technical expertise although prudish training or shadowing will need to be in volved of the consultant to an IT staff. Other factors such as not clear or straightforward requirements or even new technology that the project team does not know the technology can influence the project risk. crimson user acceptance of the application is a major factor as some dont like multifariousness or affright new products. in that location are many factors that can influence the risk of the project.Strategies that I would use to besmirch the project risk would be to stir people whom are SME with products that we are looking to implement, recruit project managers that are expertise in information technology and use the correct tools to manage the project and the deliverables. utensil the proper changes management in offer to have the changes documented in grammatical case need to revert back and contract sure everything is tested in a test environment prior to placing into a production environment. Train the staff and end-users to mother sure everyone is babys d ummyable with the new system.People fear change and to have an in-depth training architectural plan will allow the end-users more comfort with the product and in themselves. The number dodge I would use to minimize project risk is communication. Making sure that everyone is on the same page with the deadlines and deliverables. Understanding the timeframe and what need to be done to accomplish the project. The project team require to see the viable risks that are involved and how they could avoid these risks and get at sure they are all documented.I bank that the best practices for managing this project are hiring project managers that have managed successful project in the IT field and have them communicate with the leads of the IT teams to decide realistic timeframes to measure the progress of the tasks to boilers suit meet the deliverables and the end date of the project. colloquy to the company executives to make sure they view the timeframe of the project and the implan tation of each task and what dates they will be accomplished as well as verifying what are the requirements of management for the project.With regards to all this the project manager will put a project plan with timeframes and risks to hand out to all the project team and management so everyone understands what is involved and what deadlines each team needs to make. Make such dates will install quality to management and the company allowing a much smoother transition to the new CRM application and hardware. Reference Laudon, K. P. , & Laudon, J. P. (2011). Essentials of MIS (9th ed. ). Upper institutionalize River, NJ Prentice Hall.